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Enchantment Lactation offers specialized support for new parents and their babies during the breastfeeding journey and beyond. We provide comprehensive and personalized, support for common to complex breastfeeding issues, myofunctional assessment and treatment, as well as alternative feeding methods.


Our care plans support options tailored to each family and are designed to create a strong bond and successful feeding experience in each unique journey is Enchantment Lactation's mission.




Follow Up 

Bottle Feeding

Intro to Solids and Breastfeeding 

Pumping Consultation 

Breast Pump Rental 








TLN Logo

We accept most insurances with the MultiPlan logo on the card.

Have questions? Check out the Insurance page for more.



Please note:​

Additional fees may apply.

*Some consultation types are not eligible for insurance coverage at this time.

​*Limitations exist with telehealth and telephone care. If you or your infant require a physical examination by your lactation consultant an additional in-person visit may be required.

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